Kate de Freitas Art



A friend once remarked how ridiculous it was to have entertainment for a party if the child was under 5. “They won’t remember it!” She said. (She’s never been to Hullabaloo). I was amazed at her as I have brought Hullabaloo to many parties for under 4s for years. The joy on children faces and the pleasantly surprised grandparents “We never had this kind of thing in our day” is what makes my job so wonderful. I love watching dads making the alien puppets speak their special language. In living rooms, pub gardens, parks, a wedding reception you name it.

It takes a lot of the stress from the parents “What will we do before the birthday tea?” "We have quite a range of ages in the children coming how will we entertain them all?” “I never knew it took so long to wrap pass the parcel!” (It does. It takes ages). “ Will everyone fit in our living room?” (Yes they usually do.) Well, help is at hand. Hullabaloo Puppet Theatre can land in your living room/local church hall etc and happily entertain children for around 45/50 mins while you pop the sausage rolls in the oven and top up the parents prosecco.

If you’ve been to our weekly class the format is very similar. Meet lots of puppet friends: an elf and woodland creatures, fly with butterflies, roar with dragons, dance the Monster Bop, wake up a Gruffalo, take off in a rocket ship to meet aliens, ride a magic carpet that turns into the sea but look out for pirates! Then (for the older ones) sit down with a biscuit to enjoy our puppet show such as The Gruffalo,The Tiger that came to Tea, The Princess and the Pea or Where the Wild things are. Perfect!

Contact  Kate hullabaloopuppet@gmail.com to check availability and discuss options. 

All we need is a table or a shelf at waist height to keep puppets out of reach until they are needed.